Scala vs Kotlin

October 27, 2021

Scala vs Kotlin

If you are a software developer trying to decide between Scala and Kotlin for your next project, this blog post is for you.

Both Scala and Kotlin are modern programming languages that run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). They offer many similar features, including support for functional programming, type inference, and interoperability with Java code. But there are also some key differences that may influence your decision.


One of the main advantages of Java-based programming languages is that they have a reputation for being fast and efficient. When comparing the performance between Scala and Kotlin, the results are mixed.

According to the Benchmark Game, which measures the performance of different implementations of programming languages, Scala is consistently faster than Kotlin for many tasks, including binary-trees, regex-dna, and k-nucleotide.

However, when it comes to the performance of the Kotlin/Native toolchain, which produces compiled executables instead of running on the JVM, Kotlin can be faster than Scala.


The syntax of a programming language can greatly impact how easy it is to read, write, and maintain code. When it comes to Scala and Kotlin, they both offer some unique syntax features.

Scala has a reputation for being a very expressive language, which means that it is often more concise than other programming languages. This can be helpful when writing complex algorithms, but it can also make code harder to read and understand for people who are not familiar with Scala.

Kotlin is designed to be easy to read and write, even for people who are not familiar with the language. It has a similar syntax to Java, which means that it can be easier for developers who are already familiar with Java to learn Kotlin.


When it comes to choosing a programming language, the size and activity of the community can be an important factor to consider.

Scala has been around for over a decade, and it has a large and active community of developers. There are many Scala user groups, online forums, and conferences, which can be helpful if you need to find answers to a specific question or if you want to hire someone with Scala experience.

Kotlin, on the other hand, is a newer programming language, but it has been growing in popularity over the past few years. Its community is not as large as Scala's community, but it is still very active, and there are many online resources and forums where you can find help and share knowledge with other Kotlin developers.


When it comes to choosing between Scala and Kotlin, there is no right or wrong answer. Both programming languages offer many similar features, and there are some key differences that may influence your decision. If performance is your top priority, Scala may be the better choice, but if ease of use and syntax simplicity is what matters, Kotlin may be the better option. Ultimately, the decision will depend on your specific needs and preferences as a software developer.


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